Student Complaints and Grievances
The Office of the Vice President of Student Services supports the College’s mission by promoting community values and academic integrity. Our staff administers the Campus Code of Conduct along with educating students, faculty, and staff about student rights and responsibilities. The Code of Conduct describes conduct expectation, prohibited behaviors, procedures followed in a conduct investigation, and sanctions that may be imposed on students found responsible for conduct violations. The Vice President of Student Services is responsible for receiving reports of alleged conduct violations, investigating reports, and implementing appropriate responses. The office also facilitates the resolution of Student Grievances and Complaints.
Mitchell Community College encourages all students, visitors, faculty, and staff to tell us about individuals who may be struggling with personal or emotional difficulties, or who may be exhibiting worrisome, concerning or threatening behavior.
- Student Code of Conduct
- Concerning Behavior/CARE Team
- Student Complaints (Dissatisfaction)
- Student Grievances (Discriminate)
- Academic Dishonesty
The College reserves the right to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment for students and staff. Therefore, when in the judgment of college officials, a student’s/patron’s conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the college community, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken to restore and protect the well-being of the college community. See below for Student Code of Conduct and Reporting Form.
Student Code of Conduct and Reporting Form (Opens in New Tab)
Mitchell Community College is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning and work environment for all. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to provide information describing any type of concerning or worrisome behavior. Worrisome behavior may include any instance in which someone feels unsafe or threatened, or may feel a level of concern for someone else, while at any campus location or college activity. See below for more information on Concerning Behavior and Reporting Form
Concerning Behavior and Reporting Form (Opens in New Tab)
The Mitchell Community College CARE Team monitors and assesses reported concerns about students and coordinates responses using a comprehensive, equitable, and multidisciplinary approach. The Care Team is a non-emergency, holistic response team that engages in support, interventions, and follow-up with students who are showing signs of distress. Submitting a referral connects the student directly to us for support.
Mitchell Community College CARE Team Information (Opens in New Tab)
Mitchell Community College defines a student complaint as a written expression of dissatisfaction with the performance of a college employee, a specific employee, and/or a college procedure. Consistent with rules established by the U.S. Department of Education and Southern Association of College and Schools Commission on Colleges. Mitchell provides all enrolled and prospective students with contact information for submitting complaints directly to the College. See below for more information and reporting form.
Student Grievance/Complaint Form (Opens in New Tab)
Mitchell does not discriminate, exclude participation in program or activities, or limit employment or application opportunities based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation, disability, military or veteran status, or age. Mitchell is an equal opportunity institution and employer.
The purpose of the grievance procedure is to provide students with a system to channel complaints against Mitchell Community College faculty, staff, or administration concerning the following:
1) Alleged discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, ability or other conditions
2) Sexual Harassment
3) Academic matters, excluding individual grades
4) Failure to comply with State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) requirements
Student Grievance/Complaint Form (Opens in New Tab)
Grievance Policy (Opens in New Tab)
If you are concerned about academic dishonesty of a student, fill out the form here: Academic Dishonesty Form (Opens in new tab)
Use this form to report dishonest academic performance of a student. It is sent to the Division of Student Services.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students who experience a problem and/or feel unfairly treated should attempt to resolve the problem informally with the Coordinator of the Office of Accessibility. Concerns regarding a specific accommodation will be resolved with the involvement of the student and the appropriate instructor, Program Head, Academic Dean, Vice President of Learning, and Vice President of Student Services. If a concern cannot be resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student should utilize the Student Grievance process as outlined below (and in the Mitchell Catalog and Student Handbook).
As a student with a disability, you have distinct rights at Mitchell Community College:
- You have the right to confidentiality
- You have the right to reasonable access to programs and services offered to the public.
- You have the right to reasonable accommodations to ensure your college success.
Student Responsibilities
Students with disabilities often arrive at college with the misunderstanding that they will receive the same services and accommodations they had in high school. This is not the case. Colleges focus on providing access to educational programs and campus life to allow students to succeed with reasonable accommodation.
As a college student with a disability, you have a responsibility to:
- Act as an independent adult.
- Self-identify or disclose a disability.
- Provide verifying documentation.
- Obtain assessment and test results and provide them to the college.
- Arrange your own weekly schedule.
- Contact the Accessibility Services Office regarding requests for accommodations.
- Arrange for personal tutoring.
- Reduce or adjust the essential requirements of a course or program.
- Conduct testing and assessment of learning disabilities.
- Provide personal attendants.
- Provide personal or private tutors.
- Prepare Individual Educational Plans (IEPs).
Mitchell Community College complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a comprehensive mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The College also complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Subpart E) and the NC Persons with Disabilities Protection Act.
TITLE IX Information
- What is Title IX?
- Reporting An Incident
- Additional Resources
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. S 1681) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on gender in educational institutions which receive federal financial assistance. Title IX also prohibits sexual harassment, which includes sexual assault and sexual violence.
Mitchell Community College is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning and working environment through our Title IX Policy that promotes responsibility and respect among all students, employees, applicants and other members of the Mitchell Community College community (including vendors, visitors and guests) where ….”no one is to be unlawfully excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, or subjected to discrimination in any College program or activity on the basis of sex.” As a recipient of federal funds, Mitchell Community College is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972.
This applies to conduct occurring on campus, during any College program or activity or off-campus including academic programs (Distance Education) admissions, recruitment, financial aid and employment experienced by a Mitchell Community college student, faculty or staff member, or third-party member of the College community.
Mitchell Community College has designated the Director of Human Resources to serve as its Title IX Coordinator. As the Title IX Coordinator, they are charged with monitoring compliance of Title IX and addressing Title IX concerns and complaints. Both the Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, are responsible for receiving and investigating complaints of sexual harassment, including sexual assault and sexual violence.
If you believe you have been sexually harassed or have been the victim of sexual violence, you may complete an Incident Report Form and/or contact the Title IX Coordinator, or Deputy Title IX Coordinator. During evening hours, contact Security at (704) 880-2569 to report.
Mitchell Community College encourages individuals to report all gender-based misconduct immediately to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator. The College will promptly investigate all allegations of gender-based misconduct and will take appropriate actions. This allows the College community to quickly respond to allegations and offer immediate support. The College will work closely with those who wish to obtain assistance regarding an incident of sexual violence.
The College encourages individuals of sexual violence to talk to someone about what happened. To receive the support needed, the College has different employees on campus who have different abilities to maintain confidentiality.
Some are required to maintain near complete confidentiality, they are called a “Confidential Employee” and talking to them is sometimes called a “privileged communication.”
Some employees are required to report all the details of an incident (including the identities of both parties) to the Title IX coordinator. A report to these employees (called “responsible employees”) constitutes a report to the College and generally obligates the College to investigate the incident and take appropriate steps to address the situation.
Student Code of Conduct and Reporting Form (Opens in new tab)
Who to Report an Incident to:
Title IX Coordinator
Paul Santos, Director of Human Resources
Main Building, 306
(704) 978-5409
Confidential Employee
Myra Lewis, Director of Academic Advising
Student Services Center, Suite 100
(704) 978-1309
Policy – Title IX Policy AD 02.16
Form – Campus-Wide Incident Report
Training Materials for Title IX Personnel: § 106.45(b)(1)(iii) & § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D)
Title IX Personnel Training Materials may be found at link contains all slides and other written materials from the Jackson Lewis Title IX Video Training Series.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Daniel “JJ” McEachern, Vice President for Student Services
Mitchell Community College
500 W. Broad St., Statesville, NC 28677
(704) 878-3281 office
(704) 363-3376 cellphone
(704) 978-1935 fax