NC Edge Customized Training provides training to meet the needs of Iredell County Industry– small, intermediate, and large. NC Edge Customized Training is a partnership with the state of North Carolina and the NC Community College System.
These training programs are customized and designed cooperatively with industry and college personnel. Training is available to new or existing industries in Iredell County. Training is administered by the College on site at industry locations or at the community college, creating a well-trained workforce.
- Essential Leadership Skills
October 2, 2024 – October 23, 2024 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. | WFD 203 $225 Includes book
This 12-hour course contains four three-hour workshops:
- Crucial Leadership Skills: Maintain team member self-esteem, focus on behavior and encourage team member participation.
- Crucial Communication Skills: Create a climate of open communication, design, clear concise messages, look for nonverbal clues, and listening techniques.
- Leading and Supporting Change: Participants will learn to recognize the link between management goals and frontline labor efforts to move forward together. Show leader how to introduce change without inducing defensive reactions.
- Coaching Job Skills: Participant will learn the leader’s goal is to enhance the skill level of every individual team member. The module shows how to demonstrate skills and motivate team members to pursue them.
- What We Do
- Why We Do It
- How We Do It
Mitchell Community College delivers state-funded, company-specific training for existing, expanding and new Iredell County manufacturers through the Customized Training Program (CTP).
The NC Department of Commerce and NC Community Colleges join Mitchell to work with Iredell County Economic Development Corporation to attract and retain local industry.
A well-trained workforce is a critical consideration in your decision to locate, expand or continue doing business here.
Our role is to provide training for employers to educate:
Job candidates (pre-employment)
Newly-hired employees
Incumbent employees
Advancing employees
Customized Training exists to help you become more competitive and weather changes. Our goal is to be your preferred source for workforce and corporate education.
Last year Mitchell Community College enrolled more than 12,000 students in continuing education programs. Those friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers and fellow county residents gained or improved a skill to make our community strong and vital.
We work with your company to choose core and industry-specific content to train your new employees or upgrade the skills of longtime employees. Services range from job profiling to post-hiring training in technical and critical soft skills. Our goal is to provide employee training to support three key aspects of your company’s well-being:
1. Job Growth
2. Technology Investment
3. Productivity Enhancement
If your organization is creating jobs, investing in new machinery and equipment or streamlining processes for efficiency, you may qualify! Allow us to guide you through a customer-focused process resulting in a qualified, motivated and productive workforce that will ensure both the initial and continued success of your organization. Customized training options include a wide range of possible topics.
- Not a Manufacturer?
- Open Enrollment Courses
Are you a health-care or service provider, bank, school, city or county government in need of training customized to your place of business?
Self-supported training programs are available for any type of business.
Occupational Extension covers a wide range of learning opportunities for individuals, groups and organizations. Open enrollment courses are series of short-term training courses ranging from industry-specific technical skills to leadership, management and supervision soft skills. Courses are offered at our Continuing Education Center in Statesville and on the Mooresville Campus. These classes are available to the public at an affordable registration fee charged on a per-student basis.
Learn more about corporate and workforce training options, funding sources for new, expanding and existing businesses, grant offerings and training resources available for your business or organization.
Deb Lazenby, Director of Customized Training & Business Services
(704) 878-3235
Resource: NC Edge Customized Training website for the State of North Carolina