Business and Employers

Train for Work
Mitchell Community College’s Continuing Education Division offers a variety of courses, programs and services to meet the needs of local employers and employees. With a focus on short-term training, Mitchell Train for Work programs equip students with workplace skills that are in demand in Iredell County and surrounding communities.

Customized Training
A well-trained workforce is critical to the success and growth of local industry. Mitchell delivers state-funded, company-specific training for existing, expanding and new Iredell County manufacturers.

Small Business Center
Are you starting or growing a business? Mitchell offers free business seminars, interactive workshops and classes to boost your success. Free and confidential professional business counseling can help you sort out your unique challenges and point you in the right direction.

Work-Based Learning
Mitchell’s Work-Based Learning program offers opportunities for students to get hands-on experience and professional mentoring. The program gives employers opportunities to work with Mitchell students who are training to join their field.