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How To Dress For A Job Interview (And What NOT To Wear)

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When preparing for a job interview, wearing the right outfit can help you feel comfortable and confident. While a hiring manager may interview you based on your credentials and the information in your application documents, dressing appropriately can also help you make a strong first impression. Understanding how to dress can help you demonstrate your professionalism and preparedness. In this article, we describe how to dress for a job interview, explore how to match your outfit to your prospective work environment and provide examples of what not to wear.

How to dress for a job interview

The right interview outfit can help you feel confident and professional. Here are some specific tips on how to dress for your next job interview:

  • Researching the company’s dress code. When you’re preparing for your interview, consider researching the company’s dress code to learn more about their expectations. Even if their dress code is casual, it may benefit you to look more professional than the employer requires than showing up underdressed. 
  • Choose clothing that matches the climate and season. To ensure you’re comfortable during your interview, try to choose clothes that align with the climate and season. For example, you may not want to wear sandals if it’s snowing outside or wear a wool coat in the summer heat.
  • Check for pet hair or any noticeable defects. Another way to ensure you look professional for your interview is to check your clothing for any pet hair, holes or stains. You may not want to wear clothing items with these details since it can prevent the interviewer from focusing on your professionalism and credentials.
  • Ensure clothing is pressed and wrinkle-free. Regardless of what you decide to wear to your interview, it’s a good idea to press, steam or iron your clothes before meeting with a prospective employer. This can help you show that you took time to prepare for the interview and care about your appearance in the workplace.
  • Lay out or hang up your outfit to save time. The night before your interview, consider laying out or hanging up the outfit you plan to wear. This can help you save time and allow you to review all the clothing items together to make sure they match and suit the role for which you’re applying.
  • Be yourself. You can use an interview as an opportunity to display your personality and show a hiring manager more about yourself than what’s listed on your application documents. For example, if you like bold colors, then you may choose to wear a bright-colored top with neutral pants.

Related: What To Wear to an Interview (Tips To Dress for Success)

How to match your outfit to the workplace

Because you’ve already researched the company, you should have a sense of the workplace and what level of formality is appropriate. Look at photos on their social media sites to get a sense of what people wear at the office. When you’re unsure, it’s a good idea to wear something clean and professional. Here are some types of workplaces you may encounter, and what to wear during an interview:

Casual workplace

For more casual workplaces, professional-looking casual job interview attire is appropriate. The following is a suggested guide to a casual workplace interview outfit:

  • Dark jeans or pants
  • A blouse, button-down shirt or polo, either with patterns or bold colors
  • A knee-length skirt
  • A knee-length dress
  • A cardigan
  • Flats or heels, closed-toe shoes that are neat and clean
  • Jewelry that complements the outfit, although you may want to avoid jewelry if you typically fidget with it since this can be distracting

Related: 100 Common Job Interview Questions

Business casual workplace

You may want to dress up a bit more for a business casual environment, especially if you’re applying for a client-facing role. The following is a suggested guide to a business casual workplace interview outfit:

  • Black or navy dress pants
  • Black or navy dress knee-length dress or pencil skirt
  • Button-down shirt or blouse
  • Cardigan or jacket (blazer is optional)
  • Flats, heels, oxfords or loafers
  • Belts and ties are optional
  • Jewelry that complements the outfit but isn’t too bold

Related: Guide To Business Casual Attire (With Tips and FAQ)

Business formal workplace

For a formal workplace, you might dress up even more. The following is a suggested guide for a formal workplace interview outfit:

  • A dark-colored suit
  • A tailored dress with a matching jacket
  • A knee-length skirt with a matching jacket
  • Suit pants, button-down shirt or blouse and jacket
  • A tie
  • Closed-toed shoes, flats or heels, oxfords
  • Classic jewelry that complements the outfit but isn’t bold

Related: How To Ask About Dress Code at Work (With Types and Tips)

Tips for dressing for an interview

Here are some tips to help you ensure you wear the right outfit during your job interview:

Be prepared

As part of the preparation for an interview make sure to have a nice bag to keep your resumes in along with a notebook and pen. Research how long it takes to get to the interview location and arrive 15 minutes early. Silence your cell phone to avoid distractions during the interview. Related: How Do I Dress for Work?

Wear appropriate make-up

Keep makeup professional and don’t go too bold. You can still display your personality but keep makeup appropriate for the workplace. Keep hair simple and if possible, a hairstyle that you can keep out of your face so you are not constantly touching your hair/face. Related: What To Wear for a Zoom Interview and How To Prepare

Research the employer’s tattoo policy

Many employers consider it acceptable to display tattoos in the workplace. If you have any inappropriate tattoos, you may consider covering them up. Depending on the industry you may want to research if tattoos are acceptable.

 Avoid strong cologne or perfume

Consider your hygiene and try to shower and groom yourself before your interview. If you wear perfume or cologne be mindful of how much you put on so as not to have too overpowering of a scent. Too strong of a cologne or perfume can distract the hiring manager, and affect their ability to focus on your credentials and candidacy.Related: Business Casual vs. Business Professional Dress Codes in the Office

Showcase your skills with help from a resume expert

What not to wear to a job interview:

Here’s a list of things you may not want to wear during a job interview to ensure you appear professional and prepared for the meeting:

  • Any item of clothing with a stain, snag or hole.
  • Any item of clothing that doesn’t fit properly.
  • Any item of clothing that makes you feel self-conscious or needs to be readjusted as you move.
  • Any item of clothing that’s uncomfortable.
  • Any item of clothing or accessories that may be distracting or draw too much attention, like a dress that’s very revealing or a shirt with a large logo or message.